mercredi 7 février 2024

VFX jobs


The world of digital special effects (Vfx) as we know it today developed in the 90s. Since its emergence, technological developments have given rise to a number of new professions, so new that job titles vary from studio to studio.


As part of the French section of the Visual Effect Society, we have compiled a list of professions and the visual effects (Vfx) sector in the documents below, in order to give an overview to the various departments of audiovisual production, public institutions and the general public.


Sharing a common definition of our businesses makes it easier to position each other, circulate talent and recruit profiles for the studios.


The first three documents show : - an index of the most commonly used job titles, - jobs by department, - the jobs represented in « timeline » to better understand when each specialty comes into play.






To give you a better idea of our organizational structure, here's an organizational chart of management positions and a « Pipeline » view of our professions.








VFX jobs

  The world of digital special effects (Vfx) as we know it today developed in the 90s. Since its emergence, technological developments hav...